
I am Ignacio Iacobacci, a NLP Expert and a member of the ELLIS Society, currently working at ELM Europe. I worked as a Senior Researcher and Team Leader at the London Speech and Language team at Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab for six years. I received my PhD. in Computer Science from Sapienza University in Rome (Italy). I also hold a MSc. in Computer Science from University of Buenos Aires (Argentina). I interned at the YouTube Content ID in Google (Zurich, Switzerland). Prior to my PhD, I worked 10 years as a software engineer, including 4 years as a machine learning / NLP specialist.


My current research interests are in dialogue systems and natural language understanding, question answering and commonsense reasoning, Large Language Models (LLMs) for automatic code understanding and generation, and LLMs-based autonomous agents. During my PhD my main field of study was about neural-grounded distributional models, such as word and sense embeddings, and word sense disambiguation.

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